Reproductive Freedom.

My simple position is that Abortion is a medical decision that should be made by the pregnant party and their doctor. I am vehemently against abortion bans and efforts to limit abortion access and comprehensive sex education. During my first term I was able to work with activists and my fellow DFL legislators to pass the Protect Reproductive Options Acts, which specifies that every individual has a fundamental right to make autonomous decisions about the individual’s own reproductive health, including the fundamental right to use or refuse reproductive health care. We also repealed many draconian measures around reproductive freedom.

I have thought and written on this issue extensively and through much personal pain. I advise those who are curious about my personal position to read the article I wrote on my personal journey with the issue, or watch the video below.

As reproductive freedom is continually under attack by conservatives in Minnesota, I remain committed to prioritizing the expansion of protections around productive freedoms like contraception, assisted reproductive technologies like IVF, and other family planning tools.